Monday, April 12, 2010

Getting ready for BlogHer '10

So I guess today was the day that all the registrations opened up for the cocktail parties at BlogHer. I've signed up for three -- got into two of them: the People's Party, co-hosted by the Bloggess (the only party that I knew I wanted to go to before I registered for the conference) and Sparklecorn. I have absolutely no idea what that one is, but some of the people I read are going, so I thought "Oh, go on. Fling yourself right into the middle of things."

There's another one that sounds like fun that I've been wait-listed for -- CheeseburgHer. It started a few years back with some friends in a hotel room and a lot of take-out from McDonald's. Now it's an official party. The menu's the same, and I guess since at the first one they made hats of the McDonald's bags that's become tradition. Sounds like a nice, silly way to end a conference.

So that's what those two new badges in my sidebar are about.

1 comment:

Rusty's Mom said...

Have a great time. I can't wait to hear all about it. E