Wednesday, November 30, 2011


Woohoo! Made it to the end of November!

I know this whole NaBloPoMo thing is about quantity, not quality, and all I can say is that it's a very good thing the posts don't have to be both numerous and interesting.  I need to find some sort of middle ground between posting everyday about nothing in particular and posting maybe twice a month about...nothing in particular. Hmm.

I used to do more interesting things. I wonder what happened?

I know what happened.  I bought a house.  Unlike the dark, dank, moldy hole-in-the-wall where I used to reside, I actually like living here. This means I don't flee from home into the world to go do something, anything, so long as it keeps from that depressing little glorified dorm room.  Good for me, bad for the blog.

I guess I need to go do more stuff, huh?  I was thinking of taking an art class at the Arts Center on campus next semester, if I can find something interesting to do.  I'd like to learn to make mosaics, or maybe play around with stained glass.  I took a drawing class from them a while back and surprised myself when I found out that yes, I really can draw.  Remember this? I learned to do that at the Arts Center.  They don't offer the mosaics class very often, though.  I think the stained glass class shows up every semester.  I guess not many people are interested in tiles.  I'll have to see what next semester's course guide looks like.  They probably won't publish it until the end of December.

One thing I won't be doing is going back to the Embroiderer's Guild.  Those ladies are whack-a-doodle.  Well.  Not all of them.  Just the charter members.  The newer, younger ones are great.  But the older ones run things, and they're the people that give me agita (and call me fat. In a roundabout way. Ahem).

What I probably should do is take a look at my life list and start working on some things from it.

Actually, what I really should do is make a shopping list for Christmas and get my hindquarters in gear.  I have to send stuff to California and Virginia, and soon.

This year was supposed to be Handmade Christmas, but that fell apart somewhere around March, when I couldn't figure out what to make for everyone.  Perhaps while I'm making the shopping list for this year, I should make the project list for next year.

Well, whatever I'm gonna do, first I'm gonna hit the "Publish Post" button, and then I'm gonna get back to my embroidery.  Buh-bye, National Blog Posting Month 2011.  Don't let the door hit your bum on your way out.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Decorating for Christmas

I wonder if this is the year I will finally break down and get a tree.  Every year I think about doing it, and every year I balance the expense of buying an artificial tree against the cost of the presents I want to buy, and the tree idea gets scrapped for another year.

This year, however, I got a little something back from the mortgage company--interest from the escrow account that I guess they're not allowed to hang on to.  It isn't much, a little over $70, but it might make a tree look not-that-expensive.


It'd be nice to finally have something upon which to hang all these ornaments I've amassed over the years.  It doesn't have to be some huge monster of a tree--maybe something about four or five feet tall?  I'll take a look when I go out shopping, see if I can find something that won't break the bank.

Of course, I could use that extra money on presents...

Monday, November 28, 2011

Lazy Monday

When I scheduled this day off originally, it was with the intent of going Christmas shopping. I've decided to spend the day on the couch instead, embroidering and listening to the laptop read me The Fountainhead, which I am thoroughly enjoying.

Weird weather we're having for November. I'm pretty sure the landscaper our owner's association contracts with didn't expect to still be mowing the grass this close to December.  They're out there doing it right now, though.  And since I finally managed to clear out my flower beds, they can finally get at a bit of grass that needs cutting but has been blocked by my top-heavy, blown (or fallen) down cosmos.  The landscapers are very scrupulous about not touching something that looks like it was planted intentionally, which I appreciate.

I hear some child or other screaming in the distance. It's hard to tell whether that's anger, pain, or just over-excitement until you hear another child shout back. All three noises sound the same to me. But then, maybe if I were someone's mother I'd be able to tell the difference.

Well, back to the embroidery. Maybe I'll be able to finish it in time to frame it and give it away as a Christmas present.  If not this year, then next one for sure.

Sunday, November 27, 2011


I found one of Delilah's old catnip toys and decided to see what would happen if I gave it to Sophie.  Lolly wasn't terribly active on 'nip.  She'd rub her face all over it, then go take a nap.  Sophie?  She  bats it across the room, rolls around on the floor with it, bites it, rabbit kicks it, grabs it with her paws and rubs her face all over it, then goes to take a nap.

Ah, drugging the cat. Wonderful Sunday pastime.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Just me and the cat again

My sister and her dog Daisy just left here a little while ago.  My brother-in-law and his folks left yesterday morning after breakfast (which was had at Perkins, down the street from the hotel where they stayed). Mom, Ditter, and I went to a little yarn and quilting shop the next town over, ostensibly because Mom needed a particularly large size of double-pointed needle, but mainly to drool over, maul, and eventually buy yummy, fancy-schmancy yarn.  Mom and Dad and Pip left when we got back from that little trip.

Ditter and I hung out on the couch, she knitting, me petting the dog and/or the cat (whoever demanded attention at the time), watching movies (In Her Shoes, The Family Stone, 27 Dresses), and eventually ordering a pizza.  Yes.  All this food in the house, and we ordered in.  What?  She offered.  I couldn't remember the last time I'd had pizza.  Did you know that the big chains have online ordering?  All you need is a computer and a credit card and bam! Pizza.  This is probably news to no one but me.

I only made it partway through 27 Dresses before I succumbed to a wave of tired, tired, tired and went to bed.  It was maybe 9 o'clock.  Lame-o.  I spent most of yesterday in a dazed stupor, like someone had whacked me over the head.  Come to think of it, that may be why I leaped at the offer of a pizza.  I'm pretty sure if I'd tried to cook I would have set the house on fire.

Today?  Feeling much better.  That determination to keep the house clean(ish) is still with me.  Let's see if it lasts.  Time to start acting like a damn grown-up.  Right?  Right.  First order of business: dishes.  Dishwasher needs unloading and reloading.

I'm having trouble believing it's only Saturday.  It feels like Sunday.  And I have Monday off, which is the day I plan to start my Christmas shopping.

Well, anyway.  Time to go clean up.

Friday, November 25, 2011

Next year's target

Next year's goal: to have the place clean before my parents get here, so my mother doesn't have to help me clean before the rest of the guests arrive. I'm forty(mumble) years old.  Why do I still approach the idea of housework like a sullen thirteen-year-old?  I'm ashamed of myself.

Which is part of the problem, I think.  Part of the reason the house is usually so messy is because I am so messy.  Part is because I am lazy.  And part is because I'm comfortable living with disorder.  Then when Thanksgiving appears on the horizon, I see the place through other peoples' eyes and am horrified.  That's when I panic, but not the kind that makes one go "move! move! move!" It's the deer-in-the-headlights, stare at the problem and wonder what to do kind of panic.  I don't get spurred into action until a day or so before people turn up.  And, since my folks arrive first, that means Mom winds up helping me clean.

I can't let that happen again next year.  Her hands hurt her.  I forgot about that.  It's a relatively new problem, so I can maybe kinda sorta almost be forgiven for forgetting.  She wears these blue elastic (?) braces for support with some tasks.  She said she should wear them more often, but she doesn't want to call attention to herself.  

Anyway.  The cooking part of Thanksgiving went fine.  I just need to do better on the cleaning front.  A whole lot better.  Like, next year my folks will come in and not have to do anything but put their feet up, that kind of better.  That's the goal.

Also?  The public areas of the place look great, but there are two rooms that are complete chaos.  That's where I dumped all the stuff I didn't know what to do with.  I have no idea where anything is any more.  Christmas vacation (well, the bit between Christmas and New Year's Eve, I guess) is going to be spent unloading and sorting out the "craft room," aka lumber room #1.  Then I'll work on the little lilac room in the back (aka lumber room #2).  If I do that, then hopefully by next Thanksgiving everything will have a place to live.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving

I was up around 4 or so. The combination of that, the turkey, the wine...I'm tired, y'all. I'm headed to bed. See you tomorrow.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

The parents are coming! The parents are coming!

Just got the call (that I asked for last night) telling me that my parents have left the house and headed my direction.  They expect to be here by 1 pm--they have to gas up the car, run some errands (like, "throw some books at the library," according to my mother.  I suggested she slow down and make sure they catch them all), and then they'll be on their southeastward.

What am I doing sitting here blogging? I have bathrooms to clean, a bedroom to tidy, a bed to make, all sorts of junk to clear, iced tea to brew (because I just realized that even though I bought stuff for lunch, the only thing I have to drink in the house is tap water.  I don't go in for other beverages much when I'm alone.  Except coffee in the morning, out of necessity), laundry to do, floors to sweep and some floors to wash!  Gaah!


Oh, hey, one more thing.  At some point this week I hit 500 posts.  I'm not exactly sure when, because there are a couple of drafts lurking around, and Blogger counts every entry, not just the ones you post. Anyway, yay, 500!

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Internal monologue at the grocery check-out

Oh, crap.  She's a chatty one.  She's taking forever with these people.  And of course they're chatting back.  Well, maybe they're the ones who initiated it.  They've spoken to me every time we passed each other in the aisles....and they just noticed I'm behind them in line.

"Ah, we meet again!"

[I nod and smile]

Yes indeed we do. And for the last time.

"Are people coming to you for Thanksgiving?"  Please don't talk to me.  Please just grab you stuff and go. Please?

"Yes.  Dinner for seven. And two dogs, but I don't know whether they'll get table scraps or dog food. Depends on their owners."

Why am I encouraging them?  Tick-tock, people.  I have a bus to catch. Oh, Hallelujah, they're leaving.

"Happy Thanksgiving!"

"You too." [I wave.]

Nope, it wasn't just them.  She's chatty.  And she keeps calling me "my dear." What is that about? Do I know her? I don't think I do. I just wish she'd stop asking so many questions of me: What am I doing with the rest of the day? Do I have people coming for Thanksgiving?

Look, I understand it's a boring job, and that standing there silently while things go "beep" maybe feels awkward.  But please, if you can't talk and move at the same time, don't try it.  Don't scan something, ask me a question, and then pause while I answer it.  No, please, don't open my egg carton to make sure they are all unbroken. Hello?  Do you think I'd put them in my cart without checking? I know you think this is customer service, but you're slowing me down, here.

Aaaand there goes the bus, right by the front window.  Dammit.

Sigh. All right, lady, talk to me.  I have a forty-minute wait in my immediate future, I might as well spend as little of it as possible in the rain.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Forging ahead

There's a woman at work whose family owns a farm.  Every year she takes orders for sausage and scrapple right before pig butchering time.  I keep thinking about buying some, and this year I finally remembered to do it.

Today was pick-up day--I had to go in to work to get it.  I now have 3 lbs of loose sausage and a 3 lb package of scrapple.  The sausage is getting used for a cornbread and sausage stuffing.  Which reminds me.  I need to take the turkey out of the freezer tomorrow and put it into the fridge.  It's a big 'un this year, so I think it needs more time to thaw.  I wonder if I should make the cornbread tomorrow, too, so that it's nice and old, ready to be made into stuffing on Thursday.

All right.  Off to bed.  More work tomorrow.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

No picture today

Well, this was supposed to be another snapshot Sunday, but I can find neither the data card nor the USB attachment that lets me download pics from the card to the laptop.  Tried to use the camera on my cell, but the battery has died.  And then the picture I was going to take (of the cat being all cute and wide-eyed, chasing something I can't see) fell apart, and another opportunity hasn't presented itself.

Ah, well.  Maybe there'll be a snapshot Monday instead.  Plugging in the phone now and going to bed.  It's been a semi-productive weekend.  I got a few things accomplished, but not as much as I intended.  Of course.  Have to do better tomorrow.

'Night y'all.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

All we need are a few tumbleweeds

Man, this town is empty.  I like it.  It's nice to be able to buy a trash can at Wal-Mart and schlepp it home on the bus without worrying that you're taking up too much room.

Took myself to lunch at Eat 'n Park, which I haven't been to in forever (apparently, because I didn't recognize a single thing on the menu), and there were only three tables in use.  Wow.  That place is normally hopping.

Today was "get supplies" day. Tomorrow we straighten.  The goal this year is to be done before my parents get here on Wednesday.  We'll see how that goes.  I tend to dither and procrastinate, and then I run around like a maniac cursing my propensity to dither and procrastinate.  It appears to need a deadline breathing down my neck to get stuff done.

Wish me luck! And now I'm going to bed.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Out after dark.

The students have left town for Thanksgiving break.  This means that for the next 10 days or so the townsfolk will be able to go places they can't normally get into without long lines or waiting to be seated.  Taking advantage of this fact, a group of local folks with whom I have made friends over Twitter decided to gather at a downtown Mexican restaurant for happies at about 5:30 or so.

Things were in full swing when I got there.  Some people I already knew, some I'd only spoken to online, some I've never seen before in my life. One person I talked to is going to be running in a marathon in Philly on Sunday, in the freezing cold.  I finally got to meet face-to-face with the meteorologist I've been tweeting back and forth with for months.  He's the husband of someone else I follow, and together they own three cats and two rescued greyhounds.  Someone else showed me pictures from her trip to Rhinebeck with some other folks we both know, and recommended that if I want to go to a knitting convention, Maryland Sheep and Wool is more organized.  Rhinebeck is where all the celebrity knitters show up, though.

God bless Tim, our server.  Every time he came to the table (which was often) it was larger and composed of more people.  We kept co-opting other tables in the area.  He managed to keep us all straight in his head, and things were still going strong when I left around quarter to 8.  I sure hope everyone gave him a good tip.  I sure did.

There was talk of going to another bar and watching some local blues band perform, but I begged off.  I needed to come home and draw up my battle plan for the time I have left until Thanksgiving.

Never mind that when I did come home all I did was play Plants vs. Zombies.  I was strategizing as I was planting puffshrooms and spud mines (or whatever they're called).  Sure I was. Can't prove that I wasn't. I'll write it all out on paper tomorrow.

Hey, guess what! We're creeping up on my 500th post!

Thursday, November 17, 2011

They're still here

Well, it's been fairly quiet around here all week.  There are still news vans all over town, and little tents pitched for "on the scene" correspondents making their reports back to their stations.  What they're reporting on, I have no idea.

As far as I can tell nothing has happened of note since Saturday, when both football teams, their coaching staffs, and tons of alumni players gathered in the middle of the field to pray before the game.  Fans after the game were subdued, thank goodness.  Apparently our students are aware now that the world is watching and are behaving with a little more decorum. I'm sure the media are disappointed no one's acting up over here.

Is it wrong to wish that a scandal breaks somewhere else soon so that these vultures will go away?

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Not even close

Who's Susan? by JugglingScarves
Who's Susan?, a photo by JugglingScarves on Flickr.
I have an email account on AOL that I haven't used in forever. I check it from time to time because sometimes my family forgets my current email address and sends things to this one.  And it's also an address I've used to give to companies who won't let you do something like get a member card without giving them an email address (I'm looking at you Panera. You too, Eddie Bauer).  I should probably just close it. It does afford me some amusement sometimes, though.

For instance: whenever I check the account I make sure to look at the spam folder, in case a piece of "real" mail accidentally got filtered into it.  Somewhere along the line some spammy genius decided that a potential target might be tempted to open the message if their name was in the subject line. Problem: the name they're using to reel me in? Susan.  Not mine. It's like cold calling someone to sell them a newspaper subscription or solicit a donation and mangling their name beyond all recognition.

Who the heck is Susan?

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Not to mention the fridge still needs cleaning

So much for this evening.  I dozed off tonight in front of the TV and just woke up. Whoopsie! And, being sleepy, I really can't think of anything to write.  I have just enough energy left in me to drag myself upstairs to bed. See you tomorrow.

Monday, November 14, 2011

One more thing checked off

Booked the room for my sister's in-laws to stay in when they visit for Thanksgiving.  I tried to make a reservation using the website for the place, but there was nowhere to request a particular type of room, so I wound up having to call them.  Mrs. S. needs a downstairs room.  She has trouble with stairs.

My sister has said something about staying behind an extra day after everyone left, just so we could spend some time together.  I wonder if she's still going to do that.  That would mean travelling in a separate car.  Unless she's taking a bus back, which I can't imagine she'd want to do.  I hope she doesn't change her mind.  We haven't seen each other since...geez.  Easter?

Tomorrow is National "Clean Out Your Refrigerator" Day.  Well, all right.  Something I need to do anyway.

Sunday, November 13, 2011


So I watched Thor this evening.

I really wanted to like it. I like the Ironman movies, and funnily enough, the only reason I watched the Ironman movies is that I wanted to know what was going on once I got to Thor (they all take place in the Marvel Comics universe).  I got interested in Thor because Kenneth Branagh was directing it, and I like him.

It was...meh.  Not bad. Visually very appealing, but just a little...thin?  I think that's the word I want.  I can't really pinpoint what was wrong with it, it just wasn't very interesting.  The one character I really liked, the only one who seemed to have any depth, was Loki.  And he was the bad guy.  Sort of.

Oh, well.  Maybe the second one will be better.  Because of course they're making a sequel.  All these superheroes are eventually going to meet up and work together in The Avengers.  Which reminds me, I still need to see Captain America.  He's part of the story too.

Even though I didn't really like the movie I originally wanted to see, I got drawn into the bigger story.  Now I need to see where it's going.  And that's mainly because of Ironman, and the reason I like those is probably mostly because of Robert Downey Jr and Jon Favreau.  I think if anyone else were directing it or being Tony Stark I wouldn't like it nearly as much.

You know, someday I should try reading the comic books these characters all come from.  Just to see what never made it to the screen.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Audible and kicking the TV habit

This past summer I joined, mainly because of a Hulu ad that would give me an extra credit for signing up. Since then I've been having my iPod, and later my laptop (when my iPod died) read to me while I embroider. It's much more satisfying than watching TV, because with the TV you have to stop and look up from time to time. Not with an audio book.

So far I've been read The Help (which, if I do say so myself, was an excellent choice. The story is told 1st person, from three different perspectives. They used three different actresses to record it.), Wicked, Pride and Prejudice (twice), Waiter Rant (most of it), and The Secret Language of Bees. Today I started The Fountainhead. I've never read anything by Ayn Rand, and all I really know about her is that our politics probably don't agree. Haven't gotten too far into the story, but so far I'm liking it. Though a little voice in the back of my head keeps saying, "That man has Asperger's Syndrome" when the main character is described as not reacting to things the way most people do. I know he doesn't. It wasn't even an acknowledged disease when this was written, and really, at this point the action's taking place more often with people who aren't Howard Roark. I haven't had much of an opportunity to see into his head.

I've been subscribing to Audible as part of an ongoing effort to get myself weaned off the TV. I pay way too much money to the cable company for something that I've noticed in recent years that I'm not using very much--except for when I catch a cold and camp out on the sofa, that is. Except for the aberration in usage last week, I've found that I get along just fine with a combination of Hulu, network webpages, and Netflix. Last month I dropped down to a lower tier on the cable subscription, eliminating the big movie channels (HBO, Showtime). The next step is to drop all the extended channels that I'm not watching, like BBC America, TV Food Network, and HGTV, along with all of the music channels I forget are there. The plan is to eventually work my way back down to basic cable. I'd get rid of that, too, but I want to keep my local channels. If I ever get an HD antenna or a new TV, I probably won't need the cable at all any more.

I've been resisting this next step. I don't watch them very much any more, but I like knowing that I could. The last, irrational reason I was using for hanging onto them was that the Rose Parade only gets broadcast on HGTV, but guess what! I found a Pasadena TV station that streams the parade, so there goes that excuse.

We'll see how it goes. I'm not going to drop it until after Thanksgiving. Probably not until the new year. See? There's that resistance. I started this post thinking, "end of November." Now? "How about February?" Pathetic.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Call your girlfriend

All right, I admit it.  I'm a fan of Gwyneth Paltrow.  I follow her on Twitter, even.  A couple days ago she tweeted a link to a YouTube video, saying it made her happy.  "I could use a little happy right now," I thought, so I clicked it.  And for the past few days, I've been going back and clicking it again. And again.

I'd never heard the original version of the song until Wednesday, when I went and Googled it.  It's some sort of heavily techno club song by a singer I've never heard of named Robyn.  I like this YouTube version so much better.  I hope these girls get a record deal out of this.  Their harmonies are so pure.  And I just love that their percussion instruments of choice are empty cottage cheese containers.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Two weeks and counting

Thanksgiving prep has started. I've bought an 18 1/2 lb bird, some mix for cornbread (for stuffing), and the makings for pumpkin pie. Tomorrow I'm ordering sausage and scrapple from someone at work--her family has a farm and they sell those things once a year in November. I've never bought anything from her, but a lot of folks at work have done and like it.

 This weekend I'm going to start straightening up this place. Considering how crowded and possibly rowdy it's going to be in town this weekend, it's probably a good idea not to go anywhere. I also need to mend a chair, but I'll need to go out Sunday and get the supplies for that.

I know I've tried to be a little coy about where I live, but I don't think I'm fooling anyone. I work for a university in "Central Pennsylvania" that has an incredibly popular football team? Yeah. You know where I live. We've been in the news all week. I really don't know what to say about the situation, aside from the anger and disgust I feel towards the "alleged" perpetrator. All the rest of it? I don't know what to think. Most of us are in a bit of a daze. And I don't care what you saw on TV about a riot, there were about 4000 (out of a possible 42000) that took to the streets last night, and most of them were peaceful. The group that got violent has embarrassed all the rest of them.

I am worried about Saturday, though. All those people crammed in one place, emotions running high, add a some alcohol and a whole lot of out-of-towners. Things could get bad. And? The bloody idiots of the Westboro Baptist Church are coming to town to picket something or other. Media whores. As if we don't have enough problems without them sticking their oar in.

 Oooh! Did I say that out loud?


Edited to add:

Even though I haven't mentioned my employer outright, I should probably add the following disclaimer, just to keep myself from getting into hot water: These views are my own and do not represent those of my university.

Wednesday, November 09, 2011

The program needs to relax a tad

So when I logged in this morning and reported my weight to the Weight Watchers online site, the program threw a tiny little fit. It told me I'm losing weight too fast, offered to show me how to slow down, suggested that maybe I should consult my doctor. It was all worried about me losing muscle mass.

I really wish I could talk to it right now, so that I could tell it to chill the hell out already. I lost three pounds this week because all I could eat that I could trust to stay in my system was tea, saltines, toast, diet soda, and (when I was starting to feel better) some orange juice. I weighed myself on Monday, and I'd actually lost four pounds at that point, but then I started eating like a normal person again and found a pound.

Though it is coming off quickly right now. I've lost 10.8 in 4 weeks. I also bumped down to a different point target, so I have a few less points to worry about using.

Which reminds me. I need to go find something worth one point and shove it in my mouth. I bet a wedge of Laughing Cow cheese would do it.

So much for not turning this into a weight loss blog.

Tuesday, November 08, 2011

Quick one tonight

I spent the whole evening embroidering and watching "The Big Bang Theory" on TBS, and now I'm too sleepy to write a proper post. And my eyes won't focus correctly (too much close work, though my optician says they're fine. I think I need to go buy eye drops again). Better post tomorrow, I promise.

Monday, November 07, 2011

I promise this isn't turning into a weight loss blog

I've been sitting here staring at a blank screen for about 20 minutes now, watching the cursor flash. I've got nothin'.

I think this NaBloPoMo thing was a bad idea. I really just don't have anything to say anymore. I've been more than half tempted lately to just shut this blog down. There really isn't all that much going on with me that's too terribly interesting to read about. The only thing I've been really concentrating on lately has been losing weight. I don't want to turn this into a weight loss blog.

I suppose I could talk about Weight Watchers for one post, though, couldn't I? I've enrolled in the online program again, and I seem to be doing a lot better this time around. They've changed the program a bit--altered the formula for calculating points. They've added protein and carbohydrates into the mix, and they no longer figure the calories. Say what? I don't get that. Some of the foods have higher point values now but--and here's the part I really like--fruit no longer have any! Well, fresh fruit, I should say. Bananas used to be 2 points. Now they're 0. First time I entered a banana into the form and it told me "0 points" I was like, "Baby's gotta get some more bananas!"

Also, since they reconfigured the points and made things "cost" more, they give you more points to work with. And here's where I'm going to tick off all the thinner weight watchers. I'm a big girl. So, since they assign you points based on your weight range, I get a lot of points to use per day. And I'm having trouble using them up. I know, thinner weight watchers, I know. You now want to find me and kick me 'til I'm dead. Sorry. But I get to about 8:30 every evening, have 9 points left, and am more than a little frustrated because, aigh! I don't wanna eat anything else!

I know I should use them all up, because I don't want my body to go into starvation mode--if there's not enough stuff coming in, it'll slow down my metabolism and start converting whatever it gets into fat, because it's not sure when it's going to get food again. Oh, the fun stuff you learn about the way your body works when you join Weight Watchers.

The reason I'm doing this online instead of in person is because the leader I really liked retired. I used to attend the "At Work" program, and though I liked the leader who replaced her, it started getting difficult to attend. That was mainly a work problem. The crazy people I used to work for would make me feel guilty for leaving the building on my lunch break. They wouldn't openly criticize, they'd just let me know "something" happened, I couldn't be found, no one else knew what to do. I realize now that they probably manufactured the "crises" to force me to choose them over what I was doing. Oh, dysfunctional department, I do not miss you at all.

So anyway, I started going to the regular center. The only class that fit into my schedule was led by this skinny, bouncy, far-too-chirpy-for-me little thing who became a lifetime member after losing 20 pounds. I know that's an accomplishment, I really do. But? It's a drop in the bucket compared to what I need to lose. I couldn't relate to her. And the giggle/hair-flip thing she had going made me want to smack her with my shoe. Not exactly a morale boost, you know?

So, now I'm online. Taking it seriously this time around. It's only been a couple of weeks, but this feels different than the last time I tried it online. I guess maybe I wasn't ready yet. Or something.

Looks like I had more to talk about than I thought. All right, I'll keep the blog up a little longer. Must dash. I need to throw a glass of milk down my gullet before I go to bed. I'd better go do that now. 'Night everybody.

Sunday, November 06, 2011

Snapshot Sunday

Berries by JugglingScarves
Berries, a photo by JugglingScarves on Flickr.

Proof that I actually made it out of the house today.

Saturday, November 05, 2011

Maybe I'll get out of the house tomorrow.

Gentle readers, today's news is that even though I haven't left the house yet, I do believe I'm well enough to try sleeping in my own bed. Alert the media.

Dunno why I feel the need to camp on the couch when I'm sick. Maybe it's the TV? And being closer to the kitchen? Not that I've had much to eat that isn't toast, crackers, or tea.

When I'm feeling better, remind me to tell you about the time I got hit by lightning. Right now I'm going to bed.

Friday, November 04, 2011

And again I say, blurgh

Day Three in the nest on the couch. Drifting off to sleep with CSI on the TV (I know, strange way to lull myself to sleep, and I'll probably wake up because of disturbing dreams), I jolted awake when I realized I almost dropped out of NaBloPoMo on the 4th day.

So here's my post! It's more of a place-holder than anything. Still hopeful I'll be able to poke my nose out the door tomorrow to get my rump to Wegman's. Though it turns out tomorrow is the day they're broadcasting "Siegfried" live from the Met to the theater downtown, and I think I'm going to have to miss it. I don't want to risk the displeasure of the opera buffs around me, should I start coughing uncontrollably at some part of the performance. Ah, well. Maybe I can listen to it on the radio? Though on advantage of the live performance is that they flash the words at the bottom of the screen.

Anyway. Let me get this posted. More tomorrow.

Thursday, November 03, 2011


Decided to spend the night on the couch, as that seemed to make sleeping sitting up more feasible. Woke up this morning with just enough voice to croak my name and the phrase "not coming in today" into the phone, then curled up under a blanket 'til about 9 AM.

I'm feeling better now, but not well. Sure hope this clears up by the weekend. The football team has no game this Saturday so the town? Is. Ours! Mwahahahaha! I'd hate to have to stay inside on a nice weekend when I'd be able to get to wherever I want to go with no traffic problems to worry about.

I'm planning on picking up the Thanksgiving turkey on Saturday. Wegman's has their turkey special again this year: buy $25 in other groceries and use your shopper's card and you'll only pay $.49 a pound for turkey. I guess I'd better start putting together a list of the things I need for Thanksgiving that I can buy ahead.

Provided I'm not hacking up a lung come Saturday.

Today's silver lining, though? While surfing channels last night (which I haven't done in a while because I'm trying to wean myself off of TV. But that's another post) I bumped into back episodes of The Big Bang Theory and fell in love with it. How did I miss this show? Apparently it's been around for years.

How are you guys doing?

Wednesday, November 02, 2011

Looks like tomorrow's gonna be a sick day

I think somebody with a cold breathed on me.

Pretty much the only time I haven't been coughing today is when I had a cough drop in my mouth. Seriously. I had about a 5-minute window of calm before I'd start up again, at which point there'd be a mad scramble to find the bag,unwrap another drop and toss it into my mouth.

The coughing itself is enough of an irritation, but here's the kicker: I've had bronchitis so often, any significant amount of coughing makes me toss my cookies. My cube is in the middle of a rat's maze with no clear path to the ladies' room. Hence the panicked race to stop it, stop it, stop it!

Yup. Pretty sure I'm staying home tomorrow.

Crap. Finished the drop in my mouth about 10 minutes ago and I thought the ginger ale was helping to keep that feeling away. Nope. Sleeping's going to be interesting. If I get any at all, it will have to be sitting up.

Stay well, you guys. Type atcha tomorrow.

Tuesday, November 01, 2011

Once more with feeling

Aw, what the heck. Let's give this NaBloPoMo thing another whirl.

So now that I've gone and joined the blogroll for November, I can't think of anything to write about. The writing prompt for today was: what do you like best about writing?

Let me see. I think the thing I like best is when I write something and show it someone else and they point out things I didn't even notice--unintended symbolism, for example. That used to happen in fiction workshops. We weren't supposed to say anything when our pieces were up for review. We were to just listen to the feedback and judge for ourselves whether we got the results we were intending. I'd sometimes be surprised by what I heard, wondering if they'd read the right story. I kind of miss that. I'm also glad I don't have to do it any more.

I was thinking about that on the bus ride home from work today, watching the kids gear up for mid-terms. I am so glad I don't ever have to go back to school. Four and half years were plenty. I liked the "college experience," but classes? Not so much. I think I would have done better if my professors had just gave me a reading list and told me to come back and talk to them, one-on-one, after I'd finished reading.

And that's about it for today. Will try to write more tomorrow.